23 Weeks!

Friday, September 30, 2016

At Jaxsons for ice cream to celebrate
 my nephew's good grades. 

We started this week off pretty great. On Sunday, I was finally getting over my cold and we decided to go eat our body weight in old timey ice cream with my nephew and brother to celebrate my nephew's good grades. I wanted to recognize him for the effort he's been putting in. It's not easy. He just moved here from Ecuador, not speaking much English and he's a Senior. So it's bumpy, but he's been working hard and I felt like his efforts should be rewarded. Anyway, Chocolate Suicide and Jaxsons Sampler happened and a good time was had by all. 

The rest of the week went by really fast. It was a blur of work, school, studying for an exam, cooking, Zumba, Crossfit, Bible study and baby shower planning. 

So today, TGIF! We don't have any plans other than Hector studying for his P.E. Exam (to get his Professional Engineering license) and probably me vegging out in front of the TV watching Friends. 

Tomorrow, I have a meeting with my baby shower planner (my mom) so we can go over details like food and drinks. I think decorations are done, rentals are finalized (they just need to be paid for) and guest list and invites are done too. 

Can't wait for this baby to get here! He will be so loved by all. 

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