21 weeks - The halfway mark!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Here we are at the Dr.’s appointment yesterday:
Hello bump! This week was when my belly finally popped. I feel like now is the time when people will start coming up to me and asking when I’m due and the sex of the baby and if we have picked names yet.

To answer those questions: I’m due on January 22nd, 2017 It’s a BOY! His name is Leonardo

We are beyond excited and even though this is one of the busiest times of our lives (Hector studying for his P.E. exam, me finishing my last semester of school, our nephew coming to live with us), we could not be more thankful for this baby. We can’t wait to meet him and there are so many people who already love him so much.

He’s a very blessed baby. He will have 3 grandpas and 1 grandma, lots and lots of aunts, uncles and cousins, tons of baby friends (most of my friends had a baby in 2015-2016), and church members who already want to squeeze him! So many people just waiting to love on our little Leo.

So far, everything has been going great with the pregnancy. My blood pressure is normal, his heart beat is great, he is measuring correctly, all chromosome and spina bifida tests were done and they were negative. We have not started working on his nursery because the room he will be in is being used by my nephew right now, but I have a Pinterest board and a theme so that means it’s as good as done? LOL hopefully he won’t come ahead of time and take us by surprise.

 I haven’t had many weird cravings, and when I usually do crave something it’s because I see it (on TV, or someone eating it, etc…) and then I’m like “Hmm that looks so good. I want one too!” My nausea has really gone away (the first trimester was ROUGH) and the bad heartburn I had for a while seems to be subsiding as well. This baby makes me hungry though! I have to carry snacks with me whenever I leave the house or I know I’ll be hurting later and definitely eat breakfast since I wake up ravenous most mornings. The nesting bug has hit me hard, but more so in the cooking department. I really enjoy making dinner for the guys at home and don’t find it to be a chore, but mostly therapeutic. We’ll see how long that lasts😉

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, lady! I love his name! So great to hear everything came back normal - January will be here before we know it!


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