I spend a lot of time every day looking through the pictures on my phone and I always go all the way back to those first few hours with him. Somedays it seems like he was a newborn and we were scared and inexperienced parents a lifetime ago and other days it seems like it was just yesterday when I sent my husband on a 5 am Walmart expedition to get me a manual breast pump.
Leo has changed so much and we have changed so much along with him these past 3 months. Without further ado, a bullet list:
- The absolute highlight of this past month has been taking him to his swimming lessons. I was a nervous wreck the first time in the water with him, but he seemed to enjoy it. 3 weeks later, he went in the pool with dad and they had a blast in class! My job was to be Mamarazzi and take pictures and videos of them being adorable.
- I had to move up a size in his clothes. I hate doing this, btw and will wait until his current clothes will absolutely not fit him at all, because I think maybe I can help delay the inevitable.
- I took out his teething toys and he kinda sorta uses them. He can't really grab them and bring them to his mouth but if I hold them for him, he likes to chomp on them.
- He found his hands and likes to put them in his mouth a lot. One day I went to pick him up at my mom's and she told me about his new trick: Shove his long ass fingers in his mouth so far that he made himself throw up 😑
- I went back to work part time, 5 hours a day while Leo stays with my mom. He loves it, she loves it, I love it. It's a win-win-win. My mom and I constantly text about him and she sends me pictures throughout the day. Hector does the morning drop offs and I do the afternoon pick ups at 2:30pm. There is nothing better than seeing him smile when he sees me walk in. Love that!